Abs Workout

Abs Workout Is the Best Regime to Follow In Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful stage. However, along with the beauty of motherhood, weight gain and various health issues pop up. Many myths force the ‘would be mother’ to stop their exercise routine completely. What many people do not know is that pregnancy does need special care, but not celibacy from fitness. Abs workout would be a good promotion for the abdominal muscles of a pregnant mother.

Benefits of abs workout:

  • Pelvic muscles gain strength.
  • Uterine contractions relief.
  • Faster and easier labor.
  • Back pain related to pregnancy could be avoided in the future.

Here are the exercises:
  • Heel slides:

It contracts abdominals and the kegel muscles i.e. pelvic floor muscles.
  • Alternating heel drops:
It contracts the core muscles of the pelvic floor along with posterior back muscles.
  • Double heel drop:
Like the alternating heel drop, it also contracts the above-mentioned muscles. This is a more advanced exercise, so do not force yourself if you are unable to perform it.
  • Wall push up:
This will strengthen up the upper trapezius and abdominal muscles.
  • Pile push up:
The pelvic floor acts heavily with the spinal muscles.
  • Table top tilt or cat and camel:
This is the best core and abs stabilizing exercise. Correct repetition will boost up the muscles as well as the uterus.

  • Seated belly breath:

Pulling up of the pelvis is the main goal. It is a very easy exercise to perform.

With the right amount of fitness in the daily activities, mothers can contribute to healthier and happier babies. These fore mentioned exercises will maintain your physique and post pregnancy baby weight is easier to shed off. Abs workout is a terrific way for a healthier tomorrow.

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Abs Workout

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Abs Workout

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Abs Workout

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Abs Workout

Abs Workout
Abs Workout

Abs Workout
Abs Workout

Abs Workout
Abs Workout

Abs Workout
Abs Workout

Abs Workout
Abs Workout

Ab Workouts for Men

Which Is the Better Way Ab Workouts for Men

Ab workouts for men are changing with the availability of the machines. The real question that lies is, which one is better than the other?

Whereas the pros are concerned, each one has its own advantages. The 3 basic methods of exercising are Free weight, Body weight, Machine enabled exercises. The collective application of all these systems makes an individual reach the ultimate fitness level.

Which is better?

Free weight


  • Complete natural movement allowed. There is the extension on self-performance with resistance provision by gravity.
  • Additional muscles are used as the body stability is maintained.
  • The idealistic option for home usage.

Body weight


  • These exercises allow the body to mimic actual movements those are actually performed in real life. These ab workouts for men are very difficult, and the muscles have to be already strong for it.

Machine enabled


  • These are easier compared to the other methods. The machine is simple. The user has to sit and grab handles of it and just move it in its movable direction.
  • Are much safe compared to free exercises. There is no use of barbells or dumbbells, and hence no injuries. The parts are attached securely for the safety of the user.

With the following list of advantages, it is safely noted that none of the methods are wrong. The goals achieved may be the same, but the procedures are very different.

Listing one as better than the other will be an injustice. There is no one clear supreme method. It will completely depend on the ability of the user and his muscle tone and strength. Free exercises and body exercises are both essential ab workouts for men whereas owning a machine could be altered with.

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts for Men
Ab Workouts for Men

Ab Workouts

Facts about Ab Workouts for Pregnant Women

Are you in the stage of welcoming a new member to your family? If yes, then you might be in a dilemma of what to do and what to avoid for the safety of your baby. Many people will guide you to avoid exercises during pregnancy. Are you having a thought of removing ab workouts from your daily routine of the upcoming 9 months? Here are a few details regarding this matter only for you.

Is it safe to practice ab workouts during pregnancy?

A pregnant lady can continue exercising her abdominals as it is beneficial. Physical activeness is necessary for the baby’s health as well as yours. Such exercise minimizes the back pain and also helps you feel more confident and strong. It also results in easier delivery with fewer complications.

Lack of proper sleep is one of the main problems faced by almost all pregnant women. It will be very shocking for you to know that daily exercise will improve your sleep and in turn take care of your baby. Constipation and leg cramps won’t be a problem anymore if you follow routine exercise. You will also enjoy quicker postpartum recovery.

2 safe ab exercises:
  • Pelvic tilts-

Try relaxing your spine by standing straight against a wall. Inhale fresh air while pressing a small portion of the back. Complete the process by exhaling. Stop pressing your back while releasing air.

  • Side- lying knee lifts-

Extend your right arm over your head and lie down facing the right side. Let your head rest on your upper arm. For taking support, you need to keep the left palm just in front of the chest. Join your knees and let them bend at an angle of 90 degrees. After this bring you knees slightly forward and lift them up.

Repeat the same process on the other side.

So, according to experts, the myth of avoiding abdominal exercises while a lady is pregnant is not true. Enjoy your grand adventure and try ab workouts for a healthy motherhood. Wish you a happy journey and fall in love with the child you haven’t yet met.

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Ab Workouts

Ab Exercises

Best Ab Exercises for Men with Busy Schedule

‘All your days can be abs day, even if you don’t face the gym.’ Almost all men focus on abs for enhancing their smart and handsome outlook. But, they may not be able to attend gym regularly for the crazy hours of their busy job. That doesn’t mean one has to skip ab exercises for the sake of official work.

One may take assistance of desk, chair or floor for strengthening his body muscles. Quite shocking, but it is a true fact that desks can really help you gain six- pack abs.

Top 2 desk ab exercises for men:

  • Plank pose-

Busy men like you can follow this particular exercise by keeping both your hands on the desk. Another thing required for plank pose is a bit of free space. One has to place his forearms on the desk and stretch back the legs. Your toes must stay in touch with the floor. Shrink the abdominal muscles inside and then keep the body line straight.
For maintaining a proper line, you must avoid hiking your hips. Hold this position for a long time for keeping the proper form. Take a short break of 1 or 2 minutes and then continue.

  • Seated leg pull- ins-

This exercise for stronger abs is perfect for working men as they can practice it using their office desk or chair. One needs to slide his butt to the chair or table’s front end and then lean backward at an angle of 45°. Clutch the lower end of your chair with your hands. Then, you have to bend your knees up near the stomach.

Stretch your legs straight at 45 degrees and avoid touching the floor while rotating your legs. Hold on for one second and pull in the leg with control. You will get better results if you target for 20 repetitions. Do not lean on your chair. For keeping your torso upright, you can use your abs.

So, you can carry on with ab exercises even by not going to the gym daily. Try them and surprise everyone around you!

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Ab Exercises 

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Ab Exercises 

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Ab Exercises 

Ab Exercises
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Ab Exercises 

6 Month Weight Loss

3 Simple Steps for Your 6 Month Weight Loss

Setting up a goal is necessary for a gradual weight loss. If you have an aim to shed your extra body fat within 6 months, you need to remember a simple equation. 6 month weight loss nutritious diet+ regular exercise+ proper mindset. Once you are determined to shed fat within 24 weeks, it is mandatory to cut off all emotions that you have for food. Attaining this positive change may be done by following few simple steps.

3 Steps for 6 month weight loss:

Step 1- 
Minimize your craving for fried foods, butter, cheese, etc. Select such foods that do not have more than 30 percent calories. You may consult nutrition experts for choosing food full of protein, fiber and high water content. Maintain a journal where you can keep track of your daily intake.

Step 2-
Experts say regular exercise helps to build stronger muscles which in turn burn more calories than the fat cells. Thus, the next step towards shedding body fat is around 300 minutes of exercise per week. You will get a better result if you choose to exercise in the fresh air than a closed room. 20 minutes strength training is necessary twice a week, and you may use resistance bands for doing that.
Even after attaining your goal, you need to continue the exercise program for maintaining the weight loss.

Step 3-
Another step towards a slim and healthy figure is changing your daily lifestyle. Practice small steps like parking your car far away from your office so that you can choose walking, taking stairs instead of elevators, etc. It is better not to consume food while watching T.V.

To accelerate the loss of weight, nutritionists suggest cutting down as many calories as you can from the daily diet. It is easy to achieve a healthy weight if you have patience. So, proceed towards your 6 month weight loss goal and have a healthy living. ‘No loss is equal to no gain.’

6 Month Weight Loss
6 Month Weight Loss

6 Month Weight Loss
6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss

6 Month Weight Loss
6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss

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6 Month Weight Loss