Best Ab Workouts

Ways to Do the Best Ab Workouts for Women

Women are equally competitive as men in today’s world. The best ab workouts facination that has hit hard all over the world has developed some extensively beautiful workout routines in women. The beauty of these specialized exercises is that the soft but impactful abs. however, many women fall short of knowing the real techniques required for them. So listing the techniques with repetitions, here are the most influential and best workout regimes.

Upper abs: crunches on a Swiss ball

  • Sit down on an exercise or Swiss ball.
  • Place hands behind the head, and walk away from it without lifting the back. The torso will start rolling forward with the ball. The ball will be supporting the hips and lower back curvature.
  • Exhale and lift the body pulling the deep abs inwards and return to the former position. 25 repetitions are advisable.

All the abs: elbow plank

  • Start with your forearms and knees on the floor
  • Plank on, with stepping one foot out at a time.
  • The spine should be parallel to the floor. Contract the abs.
  • Hold the position for 30 seconds.

Oblique abs: bicycle crunches

  • Lie on the floor.
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • Bring the bent knees inwards towards chest
  • Straighten one leg outwards and turn to the opposite side and pedal alternately.
  • Keep switching sides repeat the same motion on the opposite.
  • Do this in slow, controlled motion.
  • 10 - 20 repetitions.

To conclude these regimes are very helpful. The strain is not applied as these are the best ab workouts which are changing women physique goals.

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts
Best Ab Workouts

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