Good Ab Workouts

An ab exercise a day keeps you healthy everyday

Whether a male or a female at the age of 5 or 50 everybody desires for a flat tommy or even 6 pack abs bur can’t resist the delicious eye catching food. In order to fulfil desire of flat stomach all one can do is follow a good diet (Cheating for few days is allowed) with good ab workouts can do miracles.

Good Ab Exercise for beginners
Major people are aware about ab exercise to fit in their desire clothes and flaunt their personality. But beginners can try few of the following good ab workouts:

  • Bird-Dog crunch
  • Standing Bicycle crunch
  • Seated Leg Lifts
  • Sit ups
  • Modified Bicycle crunch
  • Spider Prank crunch

What is the cost for this exercise?
The best part of the above is, you don’t have to pay hafty behind gyms, these exercises can be practised regularly at home and are effective. However, for effective and faster results one can practise this exercise under the vigilance of an experienced trained person.

Advantage of practicing good ab workouts daily
The biggest advantage of ab exercise is that one get the desired flat stomach which everybody aims for. However, in addition to that there are other health advantage of these exercise which includes:-

  • Lowering down your back pain
  • Quality Posture
  • Functional Strength is built
  • Improves performance in sports
  • Improves resistance power
  • Built better balance

Thus, from the above all we can say is “An ab exercise a day keeps you healthy everyday”.

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

Good Ab Workouts
Good Ab Workouts

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