Hiit Workout

10 Minutes Hiit Workout for Beginners like You

Are you new into fitness and thinking whether hiit workout is for you or not? High- intensity interval training is beneficial for cutting off calories within a short time- span. There is no necessity of spending 2 to 3 hours in the gym. Even if you are a beginner, you can successfully reduce body fat by practicing the perfect moves of this particular workout.

10 Minutes Hiit Workout:

For beginners, there are 3 workouts each ranging from a period of 10-30 minutes. A short recovery time is needed in between the time of extreme effort. All the workouts have easy as well as master moves. Get ready with a yoga mat and a chair. Here you will learn about the 10 minutes workout.

This simple routine includes a total of 3 rounds with 20 seconds work and 10 seconds of rest.

Punch, Cross, Front
First, you have to stand by keeping your right foot in front of your left. The hips must face towards the left. Keep both your arms in a boxing position. Then, jab with your right arm and throw a cross jab by using the left arm.

The entire weight of your body must be on the right foot. Come back to the starting point by bringing both the arms back. Repeat the same process on 7your left side.

Jumping Jacks
Stand upright. Keep both the arms by your sides. While you are about to raise your arms, jump with your feet out. Repeat this workout as fast as you can. Being a beginner, if you feel that this workout is quite difficult for you, step from one side to another and raise your arms.

Sumo Squats
Point the toes at an angle of 45 degrees. Try to keep your body weight on your heels. Keep your back flat and your chest upright. Start lowering your body and keep the thighs parallel to the floor. Repeat the same after pushing yourself back to the starting position.

For better result of hiit workout, you need to modify these exercises after understanding the body’s capacity. So, what are waiting for?

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